Spirit Contacts the Easy Way - How to talk to departed persons -

Jump to a section on this web page ...

  1. Self Hypnosis Induction  ...
  2. Visit and/or Renew your Spirit Room ...
  3. Spirit Contact Invitation and meeting ...
  4. Visit the Akashic Hall of Records ...
  5. American School Scripts ...

The "Jump to" links above bring you to each section, just as their titles say- (1) Self hypnosis Induction is to calm you down (2) Visit your spirit room which you can create (if not done already), review and/or renew (3) Invite a chosen guest(s) to your spirit room and talk with them (4) Make a visit to the Akashic Hall of Records to find out anything at all  (5) Get a PDF text file to read the American School of Hypnosis scripts to give you an overview of how hypnotists perform their magic. This is to give ideas for any self-hypnosis text & recordings of your own.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about contacting the spirits of the departed.  Often, it appears one needs "professional" help to achieve this, which  immediately opens a can of worms - Is there a medium near me that I can visit? - How much do they charge? - Are they for real? - What will the neighbours think when/if they find out? Will I be damned forever for trying this? In my opinion you need only the simplest approach - you can do it with these texts and/or recordings presented here.

This page is to help cut out the nonsense, and leave all the above aside. Here you can read these texts and use the recordings I have made for each - unless, of course, you want to change the texts to suit your particular wishes and then record them yourself in your own voice - or get someone else to make the recordings. My belief is that your own voice is the one least likely to annoy you. But I have been told my own speaking voice is relatively calm, so maybe the recordings I give here will do the job. They work for me!

Method for doing this -

Go to each section on this page, PDF text file and its MP3 file type recording in turn; there you can read the PDF text file and/or listen to the MP3 sound file recording for each part. The best plan is to  use three recordings for each self-hypnosis session - 1) The Induction 2) The Spirit Room and 3) The Spirit Contact OR 1) The Induction 2) The Spirit Room and 3) Visit the Akashic Hall of Records. To get the recordings onto your cell phone, download all of the recordings, usually defaulting to your "downloads" folder. Then, on your cell phone, go to your Music Player. Each of the recordings should appear in the "Songs" list. Make two new "Playlists", one called "Spirit Contact" and the other called "Akashic Records". Add the three items, Induction, Spirit Room & Spirit Contact for the Spirit Contact playlist - and for the Akashic Records playlist, add the first two, Induction & Spirit Room as before, but the last of course should be the Akashic Records. Now you have two new "Playlists" you can play easily from your cell phone.

It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) you should not listen to ANY hypnosis, "self" or otherwise while driving!

The self-hypnosis INDUCTION text and recording -

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INDUCTION - Click on this icon to get a PDF text file document which (usually) will ask to SAVE it to your local machine. On Windows systems it saves the file immediately in your "Downloads" folder, and it looks like nothing happened - but it has! Text
Icon Speech
This icon will play the recording I made of the above text in a new tab. To download and SAVE the recording in MP3 file format, just CLICK and SELECT SAVE-PAGE - you will see the named MP3 ready to save to the "Downloads" folder on your local machine or cell phone.

The SPIRIT ROOM creation, review (or redecoration !) -

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Text SPIRIT ROOM - Click on this icon to get a PDF text file document which (usually) will ask to SAVE it to your local machine. On Windows systems it saves the file immediately in your "Downloads" folder, and it looks like nothing happened - but it has!..
This icon will play the recording I made of the above text in a new tab. To download and SAVE the recording in MP3 file format, just CLICK and SELECT SAVE-PAGE - you will see the named MP3 ready to save to the "Downloads" folder on your local machine or cell phone. Icon Speech

The SPIRIT CONTACT invitation, greeting, meeting and departure -

SPIRIT CONTACT - Click on this icon to get a PDF text file document which (usually) will ask to SAVE it to your local machine. On Windows systems it saves the file immediately in your "Downloads" folder, and it looks like nothing happened - but it has!.. Text
Icon Speech
This icon will play the recording I made of the above text in a new tab. To download and SAVE the recording in MP3 file format, just CLICK and SELECT SAVE-PAGE - you will see the named MP3 ready to save to the "Downloads" folder on your local machine or cell phone.

VISIT THE HALL OF AKASHIC RECORDS - and find out anything!

Text AKASHIC RECORDS ROOM - Click on this icon to get a PDF text file document which (usually) will ask to SAVE it to your local machine. On Windows systems it saves the file immediately in your "Downloads" folder, and it looks like nothing happened - but it has!.
This icon will play the recording I made of the above text in a new tab. To download and SAVE the recording in MP3 file format, just CLICK and SELECT SAVE-PAGE - you will see the named MP3 ready to save to the "Downloads" folder on your local machine or cell phone. Icon Speech

The above are SUGGESTIONS - yes, also Hypnotic Suggestions, which you can first read through to see if you like the approach. If so, then you can listen to the recordings, and if you like those too, and they meet with your approval, then you can put them on your cell phone, slap on a pair of decent earphones (amazing how good the cheap ones are these days) and drift off to sleep listening to the recordings. I keep wanting to say - tapes - but that definitely dates my birth and upbringing !.

I suggest two separate PLAY-LISTS - One being the Hypnotic Induction; Two, the Spirit Room; Three being either the Spirit Contact or The Akashic Records. That way you get settled (Induction), review your Spirit Room (Further calming) and the either invite Spirit Guest(s) OR visit the Hall of Akashic Records. Heady stuff!


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FEEL FREE to edit/change/re-write the above documents to suit your own taste. Since you might have trouble finding it on the web, and then get stiffed for some bucks for what is a free item, not to mention (which I do) getting your credit card data stolen,  I present here also the American School of Hypnosis book of Scripts - I am not sure what year - probably 2015 - of which a small study will give you some ideas for creating your own scripts. And yes, these were valid seven years ago, but be assured that very little has changed within the human psyche.

School of Hypnosis Scripts - Click on this icon to get a PDF text file document which (usually) will ask to SAVE it to your local machine. On Windows systems it saves the file immediately in your "Downloads" folder, and it looks like nothing happened - but it has!. American School Document

You may email me compliments, suggestions and/or threats at giles a t usa.com. And if you cannot figure out that email address, you should not be reading this page anyway.

(DISCLAIMER - If you are reading this webpage in error, please destroy it and also destroy your laptop or cell phone without reading, printing, copying or forwarding it. Please do not let us know of this error so that we can be spared the annoyance of sending your email to spam. Kindly do reply directly to the writer of this webpage with effusive praise as often as you like, being sure to put "Praise" in the subject line. Neither the name of Giles and Tomkin JR. or his representatives, nor transmission of documents from these web pages shall be considered an effective statement of reality unless specifically stated otherwise in this webpage (which it is not) by a licensed attorney employed by the sadly bent late Attorney General of the United States. This webpage has not been approved by the DEA, CIA, NSA or any honest PAC (if indeed there is such a thing).

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Music to die for (with)