Victor & Wendy Zammit - Legal Proof and Amazing Links

Jump to a part of this page - where there are links to over 200 amazing websites ...

1. New Paradigm Science... 11. Out of body experiences...
2. Research into the Afterlife... 12. Remote Viewing...
3. Contacting Electronically - EVP and ITC... 13. Near Death Experiences...
4. The Scole Experiment... 14. Deathbed Visions...
5. Mediumship Research... 15. After-Death Signs from Spirit...
6. Mental Mediums... 16. The Ouija Board...
7. Mediums doing Readings... 17. Poltergeists...
8. Trance Mediums... 18. Reincarnation...
9. Greatest Direct Voice Medium... 19. Answering Closed Minded Skeptics....
10. Physical Mediumship... 20. Automatic Writing...

Victor James Zammit has a B.A. in Psychology, Graduate Diploma in Education, M.A. in Legal History and Constitutional Law, Bachelor of Laws degree, and Ph.D. in law. He is a retired attorney (solicitor/barrister) of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia.

Victor was initially suspicious of the New Age Movement for what appeared to be its blatant commercial exploitation of people’s basic instinctual tendency for spiritual development. However after many years as an open-minded skeptic he had a number of repeated psychic and mediumistic experiences which set him questioning, reading and researching. Adopting a scientific criterion, Victor was able to select that information which could withstand and pass the many rigid tests of repeatability and objectivity.

Victor is a full-time writer and researcher on empirical evidence for the afterlife.

His wife, Wendy Zammit, has a B.A. in psychology, English, and history, a Dip. Ed. Syd., and an M.A. in history from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Wendy Zammit works tirelessly with Victor Zammit to produce the Friday Afterlife Report. The newsletter has thousands of readers in more 100 countries every week. It offers articles on a broad range of afterlife studies and psychic subjects.

Wendy is co-author of A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife. For a number of years, Wendy was a professional clinical psychologist. She then entered the field of adult education, working in online learning. She is a communication professional who has worked in editing, publishing, online business management, mentoring, conferencing, and video production. His book is widely understood to be one of the clearest and most complete reviews of the evidence for the afterlife, and he has been kind enough to provide it in PDF format at no charge as he states in his video of "A Million Dollar Challenge"

Victor Zammit has done, and continues to do so much work to spread the news about the Afterlife - that he's seriously improving the general understanding.

It is hard to express our gratitude to him and his wife Wendy for their non-stop work to spread the news.

Wendy Zammit has also done so much work to spread the news about the Afterlife - it's hard to express our gratitude.

[Above they receive an award for their work from The OM Times Magazine. This was in 2014, when Victor starred on the front page of their magazine.]
When people begin their search for information about the afterlife they often don't know what to look for and which sites are credible and non-commercial. Here are two hundred or so of Victor Zammit's favorite sites, chosen for their integrity and credibility (not recently updated - but checked for existence Feb 2020).
PLEASE NOTE - USE "RIGHT CLICK - OPEN IN NEW WINDOW" - And, when on a cell phone, after viewing the chosen page, hit "Back" to return here.

1. New Paradigm Science...

4. The Scole Experiment...



12. Remote Viewing...

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13. Near Death Experiences...

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14. Deathbed Visions/ End of Life Experiences/ Shared Death Experiences...

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15. After-Death Signs from Spirit...

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16. The Ouija Board...

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17. Poltergeists...

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18. Reincarnation...

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19. Answering Skeptics with closed minds...

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(Phew! Victor & Wendy did a lot of work putting over 200 websites together - but they last reviewed them in 2015 - Now it's 2020 and a few have disappeared  - I just checked them all for function, removing those few that no longer appeared and adding a few likely replacements. One section was absent, so I have found a few and placed them next. These were not originally on Victor's website)

20. Automatic Writing or Psychography...

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(DISCLAIMER - Message to any Alien readers - Please for god's sake come and take over our governments everywhere and kill all the corrupt leaders, and install a sane economy - the sooner the better. Maybe you can do away with the billionaires also. If the contents of this website make no sense to you whatsoever, then you probably were not the intended reader, or, you are a mindless alien cretin. Either way, you should immediately delete yourself and then destroy your computer, in that order. Once you have done both these actions in the right order, please contact us, as we would love to know how you did it. This however is highly unlikely, vanishingly remote, even. The contents of this website make perfect sense to most rational humans, who will all live forever anyway.)

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