Section - GREAT AUTHORS - Victor & Wendy Zammit
Victor & Wendy Zammit - Legal Proof and Amazing Links
Victor James Zammit has a B.A.
in Psychology, Graduate Diploma in Education, M.A. in Legal
History and Constitutional Law, Bachelor of Laws degree, and
Ph.D. in law. He is a retired attorney (solicitor/barrister)
of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High
Court of Australia.
Victor was initially suspicious of the New Age Movement for
what appeared to be its blatant commercial exploitation of
people’s basic instinctual tendency for spiritual
development. However after many years as an open-minded
skeptic he had a number of repeated psychic and mediumistic
experiences which set him questioning, reading and
researching. Adopting a scientific criterion, Victor was
able to select that information which could withstand and
pass the many rigid tests of repeatability and objectivity.
Victor is a full-time writer and researcher on empirical
evidence for the afterlife.
His wife, Wendy Zammit, has a B.A. in psychology, English, and
history, a Dip. Ed. Syd., and an M.A. in history from the
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Wendy Zammit works tirelessly with Victor Zammit to produce the Friday Afterlife Report. The newsletter has thousands of readers in more 100 countries every week. It offers articles on a broad range of afterlife studies and psychic subjects.
Wendy is co-author of A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife. For a number of years, Wendy was a professional clinical psychologist. She then entered the field of adult education, working in online learning. She is a communication professional who has worked in editing, publishing, online business management, mentoring, conferencing, and video production. His book is widely understood to be one of the clearest and most complete reviews of the evidence for the afterlife, and he has been kind enough to provide it in PDF format at no charge as he states in his video of "A Million Dollar Challenge"
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Victor Zammit has done, and continues to do so much work to spread the news about the Afterlife - that he's seriously improving the general understanding. |
It is hard to express our gratitude to him and his wife Wendy for their non-stop work to spread the news. | ![]() |
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Wendy Zammit has also done so much work to spread the news about the Afterlife - it's hard to express our gratitude. |
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PLEASE NOTE - USE "RIGHT CLICK - OPEN IN NEW WINDOW" - And, when on a cell phone, after viewing the chosen page, hit "Back" to return here.
1. New Paradigm Science...
- Video-
Reality and the Extended Mind
- Dean Radin's homepage
Video- Science and the taboo of PSI
- Rupert Sheldrake's
Video- The Extended Mind- Recent experimental Evidence
Video- The Science Delusion- Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
- Skeptico- Science at
the Tipping Point
- Skeptical
about Skeptics
- The Institute of Noetic
- Open Sciences
- The Rhine Research Centre
- Claude
Swanson- A revolution is quietly underway in science.
- Charles Tart's
University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies
- Jeffrey
Nature of the Greater Reality
- The
Society for Scientific Exploration
- Interview
with Dr. Gary Schwarz- Is Consciousness More than the
- The
Society for Scientific Exploration
- Eben
Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife
- Robert and Suzanne Mays show evidence that during a NDE there is really a separation of the mind from the brain.
- This
life- Next Life- Documentary by Keith Parsons
- The Windbridge
- Michael
Tymn's blog
- White Crow Books
- Survival
After Death info.
- Eminent
Researchers who investigated
- The Campaign for
Philosophical Freedom:
- R Craig
Hogan Your Eternal Self
- Afterlife TV
- Society for Psychical
- American Society for
Psychical Research
- Video
talk: Science and Postmortem Survival University of
- Video Bob Olson The most compelling evidence of the afterlife.
- World ITC- USA
- Macy Afterlife: The
Beacon- USA
- International Journal
of ITC-Anabela Cordoso Portugal.
- Association
TransCommunication - USA
- German
Association for Transcommunication Research
- IPATI Sonia Rinaldi's Brazilian ITC site
- Dr.
Craig Hogan interviewed by Donna Smith-Moncrieffe
4. The Scole Experiment...
- Video-
The Afterlife Investigations
- Interview
with Robin Foy- 8 minutes of Awesome.
with Montague Keen
- The
Scole Experiment- Witness Testimony of George Dalzell
testimony Jennifer Jones
testimony of Walter and Karin Schnitger
testimony of Professor Ivor Grattan-Guinness
- The Scole
Experiment Home Website
Grant and Jane Solomon interview
- The
Scole Event (Archived version)
- The Windbridge
- Dr.
Julie Beischel SSE talk
- The
Arthur Findlay College
video channel
- Video
talk: Science and Postmortem Survival University of
- YouTube
1 (10 mins - people give testimony about their
personal experiences )
2 (10 mins - scientific and phenomenological
evidence )
3 (10 mins)
4 (10 mins - You can see the links for the other
5 parts)
- Gordon
Smith - Talking To The Dead
- Gordon
Smith - The Psychic Barber
- A
Medium conducts a reading with a Non-Believer
- Society for
Psychical Research
- American Society for
Psychical Research
- Arthur
Findlay College list of Certified Tutors
- Bob
Olson's list of genuine mediums
- Bob
Olson- How to spot a fake medium
- Carol
Lynne- Tips for getting a good reading
- Mavis
Pittilla on Mediumship
- James
Van Praagh on mediumship
- George
Anderson's Website
- John Edward's
- Stephen
O'Brien - Survival Evidence and Life After Death
- Laurie Campbell Medium.
- Gordon
Smith- Talking to the Dead Part 1
- Gordon
Smith- Talking ... Part 2
- Gordon
Smith- Talking ... Part 3 - reading with bereaved
- Gordon
Smith- Talking ... Part 4- a group reading in San
- Video:
Interview with Lisa Williams (
- After-
A Documentary with Medium Chris Stillar
- More
videos of Chris Stillar - (Just "Play All !")
- Tony
Stockwell reading
- What
is trance mediumship? First Spiritual Temple
- Trance
mediums must be evidential- Craig Hamilton
on Leonora Piper
- Sunny
Burgess- evidential trace medium
- The
cross correspondences- Montague Keen
- Silver
Birch speaking through Maurice Barbanell (6
- The Leslie Flint Educational
- Reincarnation
Research - The Reluctant Medium
- Leslie
Flint Recordings of Voices
- Afterlife
Communication - Leslie Flint
- Circle
of the Silver Cord (David Thompson is
one of a very few alive today)
- Afterlife description by him at Description
of Physical Mediumship
- Exploring
Physical Mediumship with Scott Milligan
- The
Banyan Retreat Centre in Kent,
England hosts demonstrations.
- Ghostcircle- The Science
of Physical Mediumship
- Helen Duncan's Official
Helen Duncan was a materialization medium
who was imprisoned in England during the
Second World War after she materialized a
deceased sailor who revealed details of the
sinking of a battleship which the
authorities had tried to keep secret. Read
the story of the campaign for her conviction
to be overturned.
- History
Extra - Helen Duncan
- The Scottish
Duncan Clan - Helen's Story
- Medium
Rtia Goold
of Michael Roll
Return of Helen Duncan
of Eddie Grenyer
Recording of a seance
- Minnie
Harrison's Mediumship
from the Other Side- (Tom Harrison -
Harrison Connection- Ann Harrison
talks about her reunions with Tom Harrison
through mediumship.
- Video-
The Afterlife Investigations
- Interview
with Robin Foy- 8 minutes of Awesome.
Interview with Montague Keen
- The
Scole Experiment- Witness Testimony of George Dalzell
Witness testimony Jennifer Jones
Witness testimony of Walter and Karin Schnitger
Witness testimony of Professor Ivor Grattan-Guinness
- The Scole
Experiment Home Website
Authors Grant and Jane Solomon interview
- The
Scole Event (Archived version)
- The Windbridge
- Dr.
Julie Beischel SSE talk
- The
Arthur Findlay College
video channel
- Video
talk: Science and Postmortem Survival University of
- YouTube
Part 1 (10 mins - people give testimony about their personal experiences )
Part 2 (10 mins - scientific and phenomenological evidence )
Part 3 (10 mins)
Part 4 (10 mins - You can see the links for the other 5 parts)
- Gordon
Smith - Talking To The Dead
- Gordon
Smith - The Psychic Barber
- A
Medium conducts a reading with a Non-Believer
- Society for
Psychical Research
- American Society for
Psychical Research
- Arthur
Findlay College list of Certified Tutors
- Bob
Olson's list of genuine mediums
- Bob
Olson- How to spot a fake medium
- Carol
Lynne- Tips for getting a good reading
- Mavis
Pittilla on Mediumship
- James
Van Praagh on mediumship
- George
Anderson's Website
- John Edward's
- Stephen
O'Brien - Survival Evidence and Life After Death
- Laurie Campbell Medium.
- Gordon Smith- Talking to the Dead Part 1
- Gordon Smith- Talking ... Part 2
- Gordon Smith- Talking ... Part 3 - reading with bereaved parents
- Gordon
Smith- Talking ... Part 4- a group reading in San
- Video:
Interview with Lisa Williams (
- After-
A Documentary with Medium Chris Stillar
- More
videos of Chris Stillar - (Just "Play All !")
- Tony Stockwell reading
- What
is trance mediumship? First Spiritual Temple
- Trance
mediums must be evidential- Craig Hamilton
on Leonora Piper
- Sunny
Burgess- evidential trace medium
- The
cross correspondences- Montague Keen
- Silver
Birch speaking through Maurice Barbanell (6
- The Leslie Flint Educational Trust
- Reincarnation Research - The Reluctant Medium
- Leslie Flint Recordings of Voices
- Afterlife
Communication - Leslie Flint
- Circle of the Silver Cord (David Thompson is one of a very few alive today)
- Afterlife description by him at Description of Physical Mediumship
- Exploring
Physical Mediumship with Scott Milligan
- The
Banyan Retreat Centre in Kent,
England hosts demonstrations.
- Ghostcircle- The Science
of Physical Mediumship
- Helen Duncan's Official
Helen Duncan was a materialization medium who was imprisoned in England during the Second World War after she materialized a deceased sailor who revealed details of the sinking of a battleship which the authorities had tried to keep secret. Read the story of the campaign for her conviction to be overturned. - History Extra - Helen Duncan
- The Scottish Duncan Clan - Helen's Story
- Medium
Rtia Goold
Testimony of Michael Roll
The Return of Helen Duncan
Testimony of Eddie Grenyer
Audio Recording of a seance
- Minnie
Harrison's Mediumship
Visitors from the Other Side- (Tom Harrison - 60mins)
The Harrison Connection- Ann Harrison talks about her reunions with Tom Harrison through mediumship.
- The Monroe
Robert Monroe has been experiencing and writing about Out of Body Experiences (OBE's) since 1958. - His Institute in Virginia USA had trained thousands in his
- The
Monroe Institute On YouTube
- Jurgen
Ziewe Multidimensional Man
- Jurgen Ziewe videos on Vimeo (for a change)
- William Buhlman -
How-To book on Amazon
- International Academy of
- Out of Body Research Foundation
12. Remote Viewing...
- CIA-Initiated
Remote Viewing PDF Report Summary
Stargate Project - CIA Remote Viewing - Wikipedia
Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research (Alex Tanous was an extremely gifted psychic.)
Test your remote viewing ability R.Craig Hogan gives instructions in his book Your Eternal Self and his website (next)
Craig Hogan, 4 decades as author and teacher
- Clive
Heatherington's Reality Walker Information &
Exercises to expand your awareness
- Edgar Cayce's ARE- Association for Research and Enlightenment
13. Near Death Experiences...
NDE Accounts- collection of videos
- NHNE Near-Death
Experience Network
- The International
Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS Home)
- Near Death Experience
Research Foundation (NDERF Home)
- The Website of
PMH Atwater Began her work in 1978. Nine books have been
published about her findings.
- Dr. Peter Fenwick- Skeptico
- Dr. Peter Fenwick - NDE Research
- Dr Pim Van
Lommel website
Van Lommel YouTube Interview
Van Lommel Another Interview
- Horizon Research
Foundation - Multiple NDE Articles
- BBC documentary-The Day I died - 54 mins - Very good and clear.
- However, reportedly the BBC has removed this from their website ,
- and stopped it from being sold as a DVD after pressure from
scientific censorship.
- Eben
Alexander on Negative NDEs (YouTube)
- Eben
Alexander on a Changed View of Reality (YouTube)
- Scott
Taylor- A shared death experience (YouTube)
14. Deathbed Visions/ End of Life Experiences/ Shared Death Experiences...
- Dr
Peter Fenwick - on "Experiences surrounding near-death and
- Dr
Peter Fenwick and Dr. Sam Parnia on deathbed visions and
- Dr
Peter Fenwick - 'Consciousness and Dying' - Interview by
Iain McNay
- Carla Wills Brandon's website.
- Nurse
Shares 30 Years Of Experiences With Death & Dying -
60mins Video
- More
to dying than meets the eye - 2013 (12mins Video)
- Deathbed Visions - Final Phenomena Before
Death (2020)
- Shared
Death Experiences- Raymond Moody-2010 (10 mins)
- Shared
Death Experiences- Raymond Moody-2013 (12 mins)
15. After-Death Signs from Spirit...
- After-Death
Communications- Bill and Judy Guggenheim
- Video-
Bill and Judy Guggenheim (14 mins)
- Video-
Judy Guggenheim on John Edward. 2013 (6 mins)
- Video-
Bill Guggenheim with Bob Olson 2012
- After Death Communication
Research Foundation (ADCRF)
- Video-
Elisa Medhus on Erik's contacts (40 mins)
- Bob Olson with Dave Kane or 41 signs of hope
(52 mins)
- Roberta
Grimes- Signs from Spirit (3 mins)
- Phone calls from the Dead- Sarah Estep
(5 mins audio).
- Induced After
Death Communication (IADC Dr. Botkin website)
- Self-Guided afterlife connections -
Website & How-tos
- Experience the Psychomanteum (website)
- The Psychomanteum - An Ancient Tool for Contacting the Dead
- (10 Steps) Contact the dead with Psychomanteum Mirror Gazing
- Dr. Raymond Moody on Psychomanteums
16. The Ouija Board...
- Victor
and Wendy Zammit on The Ouija Board
- The
Mystery of Patience Worth
- The Museum of Talking Boards While there are plenty of sensationalist sites on the ouija board, this is one of the few to comprehensively review some the literature and to provide useful links and bibliography.
17. Poltergeists...
- The
Enfield Poltergeist- 2013 (68 mins video)
- The
Enflied Haunting- TV series
- The Enfield Poltergeist (Rare BBC video 13
- Matthew
Manning - poltergeist experiences- Part 1 (of 4, 2009)
- Robert
McLuhan's article on the history of poltergeist research.
- The
Amhurst Haunting- famous Canadian case.
- 7
signs of Poltergeist Activity
- 16
signs that your House is Haunted.
- Ghosts,
poltergeists and hauntings
- How to Survive a poltergeist
18. Reincarnation...
- The University
of Virginia Division of Personality Studies
details the work of the late Professor Ian Stevenson
- Dr Ian
Stevenson talked about his work (video 29 mins)
- Life
Before Life (Dr. Jim B. Tucker) (video 9 mins)
- Dr. Jim Tucker - Children Who Remember
Previous Lives (video 20 mins)
- In Another Life - Reincarnation in America Much information with top researchers and accounts of people who have had reincarnation-related experiences.
- Michael Newton - Life between Lives - The Newton Institute
19. Answering Skeptics with closed minds...
- Victor Zammit videos
* Skeptics Demolished (2009 Video 8 mins)
* Afterlife Objections Demolished (2009 Video, 9 mins)
* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong (Video, 7 mins 2009)
* James Randi Challenge Exposed (Video, 9 mins)
* Million Dollar Challenge (Video 6 mins)
- Victor Zammit- hypothetical
cross-examination of
* James Randi
* Richard Dawkins
- Skeptical
about Skeptics - This website lists them all
- Skeptical
Investigations of the Skeptics by Scientists
- Debunking
Pseudo-Skeptical Arguments Against Paranormal Phenomena
- Rupert
Sheldake - "The Heretic" - The Guardian News, Article Feb
- Survival After Death - Campaign for Philosophical Freedom
20. Automatic Writing or Psychography...
- Aletheia Luna - How to Channel
Automatic Writing: 10 Tips and Techniques - Anna Sayce - How to do Automatic Writing
- Automatic Writing for Beginners
- Automatic Writing, An Alternate Method Of Spirit Communication
- How to Learn Automatic Writing
- One of the World's
Greatest Psychographers